Here we see tRNAGln bound to glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (specific for it) (This model contains only the backbone of both chains, that is, the phosphous atoms of RNA and the alpha carbon atoms of protein; you can see this by changing the rendering to Style > Scheme > Spacefill).
Note how the synthetase contacts mainly with the 3' end of tRNA (where it binds the amino acid) and with the anticodon loop. This allows the enzyme to recognise just a single amino acid and a single tRNA, so setting the amino acid-anticodon specificity. For this reason, the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are said to be "the second genetic code".
In this case, tRNAAsp bound to its cognate aspartyl-tRNA synthetase. (This model does include all atoms, so it is slower)
Colour by secondary structure:
Spacefilling model.